Forms & Brochures

Volunteer Handbook, Policies & Membership Dues

You can also download the full volunteer handbook from here. The handbook is over 90 pages of information about how to perform each task a volunteer is asked to complete. Please note this is a large file and may take you some time to download.

Volunteer Membership

MAGDRL offers two volunteer membership options:

$10.00 – individual membership
$15.00 – family of two

Your volunteer membership donation includes membership for the current calendar year and a subscription the current year’s emailed newsletter, the Rescuer’s Record.

Links to Online Forms have moved to the MAGDRL Volunteer Portal

If you have not registered for the portal or if you are unsure how to access the online fill in forms contact your chapter coordinator for more information. 

How to use the Portal Videos

Below are links to some training videos that have been prepared to help you become familiar with the new MAGDRL Volunteer Portal.  

Online Forms / DocuSign Forms

We are very excited to announce that we will be rolling out Online and DocuSign forms, new forms will be added over time.  Your chapter coordinator will provide more details on when and how to use these forms. 
  • DocuSign Expense Form – Volunteer Completes – To be used by volunteers to submit expenses electronically for approval and then routed to the treasurer for payment. (09/24)
  • DocuSign Expense Form – Coordinator Completes – To be used by coordinators to submit expenses electronically and route to the treasurer for payment. (09/24)
  • DocuSign Volunteer Liability and Waiver form – right click and copy URL and paste into an email to send to prospective volunteer after the application is approved.  (09/24)
  • DocuSign Foster Contract – right click and copy URL and then paste URL in an email to the Foster asking them to complete the Foster Contract form. (09/24)
  • Adoption Donation – To be used to submit an adoption donation.  If the adopter is completing the form and sending payment via CC or PayPal follow the link and then copy and email that link to the adopter.  If the volunteer is submitting the payment click the link and complete the form. (09/24)
  • Meet and Greet Donations – used to submit donations from Meet and Greets (09/24)
  • Other Online Income Form –  Complete the form describing the income and submit a payment via PayPal or Credit Card or send in a check
  • Request Certificate of Insurance –  Complete the form to request a certificate of Insurance
  • ACH Request Form –  Request the ACH Authorization Form be sent via DocuSign to sign up for ACH Payments
  • Volunteer Application (New) – right click and copy URL and paste into an email to send to prospective volunteer to complete the online volunteer application.  (09/24)

Download a Form

Most of the forms, brochures, and ads on this page are in PDF for ease of use. To read PDF, you must have the free Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.

  • Income / Expense Report (xls) – Used to submit paper income or expense reports to chapter or Treasurer for reimbursement. See below for electronic options (10/23)
  • Volunteer Application – contact info as well as info about tasks/skills willing to do. (11/23)
  • Volunteer Application Checklist – must be sent to Volunteers Board Member with every Volunteer Application mailed to them. (11/23)
  • Volunteer Liability Waiver – Events with Alcohol – this form is to be filled out by each volunteer attending an event where alcohol is served. (2/10)
  • Photo Release Form – When taking photos at an event, all people in the photos must sign the release allowing MAGDRL to utilize the photos. (4/13)
  • Adoption Application – Application a potential adopter fills out to adopt a Dane from MAGDRL. (06/24)
  • Adoption Letter – To be included with the adoption application when it is sent out. (11/10)
  • Phone Interview – standard questions to ask when interviewing a potential adopter. (2/09)
  • Vet Check – standard questions to ask when checking vet references. (1/07)
  • Home Check – standard questions to consider when performing a house check. (6/10)
  • Adoption Contract – Contract used to finalize adoption of a MAGDRL dog to an approved adopter. (11/23)
  • Post Adoption Survey – Survey of recent adopters to determine how they rate their experience with MAGDRL. This is also available as on online form here. (7/11)
  • Orphan Full Evaluation – Used when someone actually meets the dog and evaluates temperament and health. (6/10)
  • Surrender & Release – Used when owners relinquish ownership of dog to us. (11/23)
  • Vet Visit – Used when you bring a MAGDRL orphan to the vet for a visit, either standard checkup or specific. (2/06)
  • Foster Contract – Contract a foster home signs in order to be able to foster for MAGDRL. (11/23)
  • Area Summary – Used when working with other areas to determine whether a dog or family is the right match. Summarizes basic info about dog or family. (2/06)
  • Intake Guidelines – Used to determine placability of a Dane. These are guidelines and not rules. (2/06)
  • Volunteer Trainer Agreement – Used with a professional trainer that has agreed to help MAGDRL foster dogs. (4/13)
  • Cash Donation Receipt – Donation receipt for use at events. (11/23)
  • Transport Checklist – A checklist of important things for transporting a dog. (4/09)
  • PA Transfer Form – PA Use Only – form for PA kennel license for dogs that didn’t come with surrender papers (from another rescue or from a shelter). (11/23)


These brochures are great for using at meet and greets and other events, as well as for teaching people about Great Danes.

Ads & Posters

The ads and posters are listed in groups with a title suggesting how to use them. These can be used effectively at Meet & Greets or other public outings. They can also be placed at and distributed to various businesses throughout your area … vet offices, convenience stores, supermarkets, dry cleaners … anywhere you shop. Keep them in your car and take advantage of an opportunity when you see it.

Classified Ads

  • Car Donation – explains the car donation program (6/05)
  • Car Donation Flyer – for counter display (6/05)
  • Dog Toys – explains how an individual can purchase dog toys to send to our fosters (6/05)

National Ad Posters

Adopt – Volunteer – Foster Posters

Each file contains a poster for each area

State Specific Ad Posters

These are the same as the Drea de Matteo ad posters above except they have state specific contact information listed.